Monday, 27 June 2011

You ARE Fearless!

Congratulations, you are fearless! Your unconscious mind has already accepted the change.

You now know what you need to do, so get off the fence and give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen? If you f**k it up, just do something else and if that doesn’t work, do something else. Your future will equal your past unless you do something different.

And if fear does arise, always ask yourself “what am I defending right now?” You may still feel the fear but you will now take action regardless. It is now time to stop needing to know the answers, get over yourself and have fun having a go!

“In order to achieve something you have never achieved before, You must become someone you have never been before.” ~ Les Brown
This reminds me of a little girl I was watching in the park the other day. I was there with my husband and 2 young daughters for a picnic and we were just setting up when another family arrived and set up at the picnic table next to us. They too, had a young daughter probably around 5 or 6 and she followed behind the family pushing her pink coloured bike which looked brand new, all shiny and gleaming.

She just sat on her bike and waited until her family had finished and then she started to ride down the bike path which followed the waterfront around the small lake. She had not gone more than a metre before the bike wobbled, she fell off and started to cry. Her dad rushed to help her up and offered to hold the bike as she practised.

Then I heard her say: “No thank you Daddy, I want to do this all by myself”.

It soon became apparent this was her first time riding her bike without training wheels. Time and time again she would push off, place her feet on the peddles, the bike would wobble and she would fall. Time and time again she would pick herself up, brush herself off and get back on the bike to try again. Eventually her cries were replaced by small sniffles then by a calm and committed look of determination.

I admired her for her courage, her persistence and her fierce display of independence despite every set back and how hard it appeared to be for her. She just kept trying and trying until finally she took off.

Oh the squeals of joy and pure delight she emitted as she flew down the path and revelled in her own success! She just wouldn’t give up on her belief in herself and, as young as she was, she knew that a little bit of faith in the unknown and repetition was all it would take for her to ride.

And that is life! Life is all about wanton experimentation. It’s about reclaiming your 5 year old self again and being irreverent and playful in the face of uncertainty. It’s about being creative and willing to do it differently. Get excited and get the giggles when you don’t know. This is the moment you are about to learn and grow. And remember, the more uncertainty and variety you experience in your life the more success you will achieve.

Taking risks is part of life – trust your unconscious mind, leap and the net will appear. It always does.

Exercise: Now sit back, relax, close your eyes and take yourself forward three weeks in time. Notice how you are feeling, what you are seeing and what you are hearing? What you are telling yourself now that you have abundant awareness, choices and courage to take action?

Now take yourself forward to three months in time. Again notice how you are feeling, what you are seeing, hearing and telling yourself. Also notice the people around you and hear what they are saying about your new found fearlessness.

And finally take yourself out a year from now. Look back at times when you could have reverted back to your old fear but haven’t. Recognise the contribution you have made to yourself and your loved ones liives. Notice the enormous positive changes you have made and acknowledge yourself for embracing uncertainty as you bring yourself back to now. How do you feel?

Now that you ARE fearless what can you do? Paint a picture with words of what is now possible in your life. Make your description bright, loud, vivid and real.

What do you see, hear, feel, say to yourself? Who else is there and what are you doing?

What insights have come up for you? What have you learnt about yourself during this process? What do you now believe to be true?