Did you know, digestive and stomach issues are directly linked to the nominalisation of power? The neurons in your stomach lining are bigger than the neurons in your brain and your stomach renews itself every 5 days. It will replace an ulcer if your mind has not released the emotional connection creating this physical reaction. Interesting, isn’t it?
Do you sometimes eat but don’t feel satisfied?
This is because your motivation hasn’t been met. So you eat more, right? Food represents a symbol of what you are craving in life and until you focus on what is missing in your life, you will never be satisfied.
Depriving yourself is not the answer either so get off the diet treadmill and make a promise to yourself right now to stop harming your body with fad diets and the sabotage that usually follows. Instead, look at the food you are choosing to eat – is it slave food – fast, processed, pre-packaged, full of chemicals & preservatives, low nutrition or is it food fit for a Queen - slow, real, fresh, whole, nutrient rich, high water content?
Your unconscious mind has a blueprint of perfect health. It knows how to heal, you just have to trust it.
Mental wellness or illness creates a physical outcome EVERY time, without fail. Your body is a machine, powered by your mind, requiring nourishment, movement and maintenance every day and renews itself every 2 years. WOW, a brand new body every 2 years. What an awesome machine! Have you ever heard the saying “what you focus on is what you get”? The body you have right now is the body you believe you deserve and has taken years and years of dedication and mental focus.
A neurotransmitter bathes every cell in your body and functions to transmit information to, from and within the brain. All physical pain is emotionally connected; there is always a psychosomatic connection. Your body is always telling you what’s happening and your mind only knows how to communicate symbolically through your body.
“Therefore the state of your mind has a huge impact on the state of your health. Your mind can produce chemical changes in the body that were once believed possible only through the use of the most powerful drugs. The state of your mind can raise or lower your blood pressure, increase your heart rate, alter your brain chemistry, create hormonal imbalances and negatively affect both metabolic and immune function.
By focusing on mental wellness you can alter your physiology, improve immune system functioning, lower blood pressure, eliminate chronic pain, reduce reliance on medication, increase strength and mobility, heal inflammation, reduce recovery time, prolong life, and ramp up the production of endorphins and other "feel good" chemicals in the brain.
It is instrumental in the treatment of heart disease, hypertension, respiratory disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, MS, autoimmune disorders, infertility, dysmenorrhea, obesity, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. In fact, for any illness or injury, it can make the difference between a full or partial recovery, joy or despair, even life or death.” Author: Suzi Morris