Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Extraordinary Wellness is YOUR Choice !

What if everyday could be a 70's fancy dress party ?

Our desire for certainty and significance overrides everything without exception. We are constantly looking for safety and looking good as we try to get it right! There is no certainty, even in mother-nature, so why do we expend so much energy trying to achieve certainty in our lives?
I challenge you to be irreverent and playful in the face of uncertainty. Get the giggles when you don’t know what’s going to happen and fall in love with saying, “What can I do if the rules no longer apply?”
“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice” George Eliot
Quantum Physics suggests your past and future exist in endless moments of now. Your memories determine who you are now and your self esteem is shaped by what you are willing to be in the future.
You can CHOOSE TODAY to be a greater version of YOU !  Be prepared to invest in yourself, in any way necessary and take action, massive action, right now!
So the questions to ask yourself right now are:
  • Is my wellness today a problem to be solved or a gift to be received?
  • Am I ready to embrace vulnerability, stop playing safe and act even when I feel fear?
  • Am I ready to be the best I can be, in all ways, for always?
  • Am I ready to draw a line in the sand and start with the present to influence my future and start living a life of empowerment, commitment, certainty, significance and wellness?
And what new beliefs will you choose to play by?
  • As a mother, daughter, sister, lover, wife, manager, employee, friend – I have nothing to prove and nothing to defend!
  • The greatest gift I can give myself is self respect – I choose to be and remain loyal to myself!
  • The greatest gift I can give my children is to lead a life by example – I choose to support myself daily on my path to wellness and give myself freedom and space to live every day with energy, vitality and unconditional self-love!

Who are YOU willing to BE?
What are YOU willing to DO?
What will YOU HAVE as a result?