Tuesday, 24 May 2011

MY Extraordinary Wellness Beliefs

So how did you go with defining those significant emotional events in your life that have shaped the way you view yourself, those around you and the world in general?

How are you feeling? Were there any ‘light bulb’ moments? I know when I took the time to complete this exercise my conscious mind went into denial for about a week and would not, for the life of me, allow me to let go of my limiting beliefs. Eventually my unconscious mind decided to kick in and take over, thank goddess.

All of my old beliefs such as “I need to be in control all the time / No-one can help me, I have to help myself / If I don’t open my heart, no-one can hurt me / If I can’t give 110%, I won’t do it at all / No-one can push me as hard as I push myself / If it’s not worth winning, it’s not worth doing / no matter what I do, it won’t be good enough” could all be linked to my ultimate belief of - “If it is to be it is up to me”. This used to be my mantra from the first time I heard or read this in my early 20’s although I now realise that I lived this from a very young age. And I used to think it was a positive one!

I have since recognised that this was my way of protecting myself so that I was always in control and allowed me to justify never having to rely on anyone else...

It stopped me from being truly honest to myself and others and has prevented me from really living with an open heart. I was SO happy to recognise and give up this limiting belief (and all the others that supported it) and replace them with ones that now serve, support, nurture and challenge me.

I remember driving home from my Intake Weekend for my Coaching Diploma and it was as though the flood gates were opened and I was like a woman possessed. I decided in an instant (Yes, change can be that quick) that I was no longer going to live with a slave mentality, believing I am not good enough and allowing my past and my parents past to define who I am today and who I could be tomorrow.

I literally had to pull the car over so I could grab a pen and start writing as new belief after new belief started to flow, so easily and effortlessly one after the other. It took me approx. 3 minutes and I ended up with 14 new beliefs. How excited was I?

Just as excited as I am, right now, about sharing them with you for some inspiration. I trust this gets your belief changing machine going, faster than mine did anyway. And I read these every day during my 8 minutes of affirmation.

My New Beliefs that are in alignment with my Values are...

Next week it's your turn to cut the apron strings...but if you can't wait that long, download my "8 Skips to Extraordinary Wellness" eBook and CHOOSE TODAY to be a greater version of YOU !