It is about raising self-awareness for what it takes to achieve extraordinary wellness taking into account your unique life vision, values and beliefs.
"Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth." Katherine Mansfield
The Wheel of Life has been used consistently to measure the quality of our lives. Each piece of the pie represents an area of your own life and enables you to consider each area in turn to decide what is important. You can then determine what you will focus on, what's off balance, what needs more attention, what is and isn't aligned with your values and beliefs, and which area or areas you wish to transform for greater success and fulfilment.
Imagine each line is a spoke in a wheel on a car called LIFE with the centre representing 0% satisfaction & fulfilment in that area and the outside represents 100% satisfaction & fulfilment in that area of your life. If this was your wheel of life, how satisfied and fulfilled would you be currently and how smoothly is your car running? (Rate each segment out of 10).
If you're like most women, you're probably experiencing a certain level of anxiety and distress about the quality of your ride! A slightly unbalanced wheel may go unnoticed but will still cause problems like tire damage. And when you accelerate to a certain speed, your steering wheel may vibrate because the wheel is now really starting to wobble. It can cause an accident. At the very least it makes for a rather unpleasant ride. Sounds a lot like an unbalanced life!
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing” Abraham Lincoln
Imagine the difference if you could find a way to reshape your wheel of life so that you achieved more balance across the areas that matter the most to you! The skip now is to drill down even further on each segment and prioritise the areas you believe will have the most positive impact for you on your extraordinary wellness journey.
Warning - Limiting beliefs or unhelpful emotions may surface as you work your way through the various aspects of your life. This is to be expected as you begin challenging the status quo. Make a mental note to get rid of the excuses you have been using to avoid making change. Do this and you will begin to notice what you are no longer defending and what will you no longer be tolerating as a result of this decision.