I know, I know, I know, it has been three weeks since my last post and what a busy three weeks!!! Advance copies of my new book, "I am woman - the art of being you" are on their way from the printer so if you haven't ordered one yet go to
www.i-am-woman.com.au and secure your copy TODAY, they are going fast!
"What we have to do is to be forever curiously testing new opinions and courting new impressions." ~ Walter Pater (1839-1894)
Alright, get excited Figure 8 Wellness community! I would like to welcome the following awesome, talented and fabulous contributors to the
Secret Women's Business Lounge. Each week, new submissions will be uploaded into the relevant Wheel of Life segments for your ongoing reference and support. So, if you haven't already - head on over, grab a cuppa and get really comfy for some awesome tips, advice, templates, articles & resources for balancing your Wheel of Life in the areas that matter most to you!
Please join me in welcoming:
Please note: Only Figure 8 Wellness Members are able to view all submissions in the Secret Women's Business Lounge, so... JOIN US TODAY & start skipping with energy, vitaliy & purpose !!!